Health News
Depressed and Mildly Manic
Most of the time you suffer from the blues. You're more down than up. But on some of your good days, you have lots of energy, get tons of things done and feel really, really good.
Bipolar Disorder Diagnosis Dilemma
Proper diagnosis of bipolar disorder and depression should include an extensive patient evaluation. Doctors need access to information regarding details about one's moods, psychotic thoughts, manic periods and family history.
Violence and Bipolar Disease
Previous research argued that patients with bipolar disorder, or manic-depressive disorder, are more likely to be violent.
Is this increased violence due to the bipolar disorder alone, or caused by other aspects of the individual's behavior?
Mysterious Bipolar Disorder Gene
Researchers now have found a genetic variation in the gene neurocan (NCAN) which, when present, makes people susceptible to mental health issues, such as bipolar disorder.
Protein May Increase Risk of Inherited Bipolar Disorder
A brain protein known as PCLO (pronounced piccolo) may increase risk of inheriting bipolar disorder, according to a new study.
More than PMS ...
Premenstrual mood shifts are associated with depressive symptoms and bipolar disorder, according to a new study.
Size Matters In Mental Health
In a large, collaborative research effort, researchers have found that lithium will restore brain volume in patients with bipolar disorder.
Is Your Child Manic?
The National Institute of Mental Health has just given a grant of almost $8 million to further the study of children with symptoms of mania in order to better predict the onset of bipolar disorder.
Bipolar CHOICE Study Launched
A nationwide study called Bipolar CHOICE is being launched this month to better understand the daily experiences of people with bipolar disorder and to ascertain which medications work best.
Heart and Mind
Recent findings from Michigan State University correlate a strong link between hypertension (high blood pressure) and bipolar disorder, a psychiatric illness.