Health News

Spiritual… But Not Religious
Many people find solace in their religious faith. The same goes for those believing in a spirituality outside the major religions. But psychology has sometimes viewed these differently.
College Isn't Just About Academics
The first year of college can be a scary transition as students have to navigate campus, make friends and prepare for class, all on their own. So, what are some tips for success?
Have You Been Screened for Depression?
Everyone has their good and bad days. But when the bad days are significantly outnumbering the good ones, how do you know if it might be depression? You seek help to find out.
Mood Kept In Order With Exercise
It's been well established that muscles get stronger and the heart gets pumping with exercise. And as far as dealing with emotions, exercise continues to help people keep calm and collected.
Take a Break From Violent TV News Images
Were you glued to the TV in the days after 9/11? If you found it hard to tear yourself away from the grim, upsetting images, they might have had a long-term impact on your health.
The Stresses of Coming Home for Vets
They say you can never go home again. But thousands of veterans do, and it's not easy. But that can be a good thing.
Kids Feel Mother Nature's Stress
The damage has only just begun. After Hurricane Isaac struck the coast this week, the destruction may also be hidden in the children.
Smile! It is Good for Your Heart
Laughter is the best medicine, it is said, and smiling is good for the soul, but are there real physical health benefits to the act of smiling?
She Works Hard for Her Money
It's no secret that not having enough money to live day to day can increase parents’ anxiety. But is an insecure financial situation enough to cause someone to have an anxiety disorder?
Childbirth Fears and Long Labors
The discovery that you're carrying a child inside you brings along a range of emotions. For about 5 to 20 percent of women, those emotions include a fear of childbirth.