Health News

When Peanuts Become Weapons
"Hey little Johnny! Want some peaaaaanutttts ? They're goooooood for you! Here, touch them!" Sounds like standard child teasing, right? Unless Johnny has a serious peanut allergy.
Cancer Coping with Mindful Art Therapy
The body and mind go hand-in-hand. Coping and managing stress are essential to beating disease and coming out on top. Mindful practices and artful expression may help.
Dealing with the Loss of a Child
It is not surprising that a parent who loses their child is at a higher risk for depression and anxiety. But do their mental health risks depend on how their child died?
Are You Angry or Anxious – or Both?
Excessive anxiety interferes with an individual's daily life. So does excessive anger, whether the person acts out or bottles it up. Is it possible these conditions are related?
Being Mindful of Diabetes Distress
For many patients, living with diabetes is no easy task. The day-to-day struggle of controlling the disease can take a toll on one's mood. Being mindful of the moment may help diabetes patients boost their mental health.
It Takes a Village
Children who have experienced multiple traumas face many challenges including possible PTSD, depression and anxiety. A combination of therapy and social services could provide the necessary support for a child to overcome these problems.
A Vicious Cycle Can Begin in Pregnancy
How do bullies choose their victims? There are probably several reasons. But one of them may have to do with the victims of the bullying before they're even born.
Like Mother, Like Daughter – Years Later
Anxiety tends to be more common among women than men, according to various studies. But researchers don't know why. Now they're learning that it may have to do with baby girls' environment.
When Real Disasters on TV Scare Kids
The Twin Towers falling. Raging wildfires. Families wading through flooded waters. These images might show important news, but disaster coverage makes an impression on little minds.
Tame Your Tension
Is stress making it hard for you to sleep? Poor sleep can contribute to all sorts of health problems. Reducing stress with relaxation might help sleeping problems as well.