Health News

A Pregnancy Complication on the Rise
The vast majority of pregnancies are uncomplicated, with healthy moms and healthy babies. But one of the more common pregnancy complications when one occurs is pre-eclampsia.
The Heart Can Heal After Quitting Smoking
For years, healthcare professionals have known that quitting smoking can improve heart health. It may be that the heart can heal even faster than previously thought.
Heavy Drinking and Hangovers Tied to Stroke
Waking up with a hangover can leave you with a headache for the rest of the day. Recent research suggests that it also may lead to lasting damage to blood vessels.
Fewer Heart Attacks After Kicking the Habit
Smoking is hard on a person’s heart. Fortunately, quitting smoking can help people live longer, heart-healthier lives.
Stroke From Smoking Is Gender Blind
There is no doubt about it — smoking is hard on the body. It doesn't matter if you're a man or a woman. Smoking cigarettes can increase anyone's risk of having a stroke. 
Smoking Ban at Casinos Lowers Health Gamble
When it comes to heart and lung health, Colorado gamblers may have hit the jackpot. Since the ban on smoking in casinos in the state, ambulance calls in one county have dropped.
A Safer Heart After Kicking the Habit
Breaking the tobacco habit is a sensible goal of many smokers. Meeting that target has clear payoffs. For some, including older women, it also may raise concerns about weight gain.
What’s Bad for Heart Is Bad for Brain
Most people know that smoking and being overweight can harm their physical health. Heart disease risk factors, however, can also impair the ability to think.
Smoking Could Hurt Your Kid's Heart
Secondhand smoke exposure during childhood may change cholesterol levels in a way that could increase the risk for heart disease later in life. That risk may not be the same for both genders.
Getting Smashed: A Real Heart Breaker
In college, some young adults might feel invincible. But risky behaviors like binge drinking may disrupt a young adult’s blood flow and put him or her at risk for heart disease later in life.