Health News

These Steps May Cut Diabetes Risk in New Moms
Between late-night feedings and diaper changes, new moms may not prioritize their own blood sugar levels. However, healthy choices and medications could prevent diabetes in those at risk for it.
What Women Need to Know About Bladder Control
Involuntary loss of urine can be embarrassing and a bit frustrating. Luckily, we have some information about the condition, possible causes and treatments.
Surprising Side Effects of OTC Meds
If you are using over-the-counter medications, stay aware of these fifteen common side effects.
A Crystal Ball of Moms' Type 2 Diabetes Risk
A woman who develops gestational diabetes during pregnancy is at a higher risk for developing type 2 diabetes later in life. But what about women with other pregnancy complications?
Screening for Diabetes During Pregnancy
Avoiding complications of pregnancy can be hard, especially if diabetes is involved. But doctors have a much better chance of preventing complications if they can properly diagnose diabetes during pregnancy.
The Best Baby Food Money Can't Buy
When expecting, it can be nerve-wracking to consider all the changes going on in your life and how to be ready to take care of this new, tiny, amazing creature.
Diabetes Advice Just a Phone Call Away
Pregnancy can be a stressful time, especially if you have diabetes. Support from your partner and family can ease some of that stress.
Risky Business: Diabetic and Pregnant
Before getting pregnant, women should make sure that they are in good health. An unhealthy mother is more likely to have an unhealthy baby. This may be especially true for women with diabetes.