Health News

Wearing a Bra Not Linked to Breast Cancer
Some believe breast cancer is more common in developed countries because more women wear bras. But new research may debunk that idea.
Bone Loss Rx Studied for Possible Lowered Breast Cancer Risk
Previous research suggested that a common medicine used to treat osteoporosis had the positive side effect of reducing breast cancer risk. New research suggests that may not be true.
Simple Steps to Reduce Women’s Cancer Risk
There is no way to completely eliminate your risk of developing cancer, however maintaining a healthy lifestyle can go a long way in reducing your risk for certain types of cancer.
Moles May Be Markers of Breast Cancer Risk
The amount of sex hormone's in a woman's blood may play a role her risk of breast cancer. And those sex hormone levels may show themselves in more obvious ways than once thought — in the form of moles on the skin.
Health Screenings Every Woman Should Know About
Staying healthy requires being proactive about your health by scheduling and attending necessary health screenings. There are some screenings in particular that every woman should know about.
Breast Cancer Treatment Had Lingering Health Effects
Women with breast cancer often receive radiation treatments and chemotherapy to fight their disease. In some women, those treatments might bring long-term health effects that aren’t so desirable.
Fertility Meds Didn't Cause Breast Cancer
Not all of the long-term impacts of fertility treatment are clear. But researchers have found reassuring evidence for those hoping to have a baby using such treatments.
Benefits of Regular Physical Activity
There are many health benefits to being a physically active person. Here’s a list from what you might gain from developing an exercise routine.
Mammograms Might Not Reduce Deaths Says Study
If you get an annual mammogram, you are reducing your risk of dying from breast cancer, right? Maybe not, say the authors of a new study challenging this assumption.
Preventing Disease with Exercise
Your health care provider may emphasize the importance of exercise, but exactly how important is physical activity for staying healthy?