Health News

For Type 2 Diabetes, Surgery May Boost Hope
Doctors usually advise patients with type 2 diabetes to eat better and exercise more, but these lifestyle changes may not be enough in some cases.
The Benefits of Working Hard in the Gym
Exercise is almost never a bad thing, but new evidence suggests that not all exercise is created equal.
How to Avoid Aching Knees
Knee pain — a sign of arthritis, related to obesity or just the result of getting older? Whatever the reason, diet and exercise might be able to prevent or reduce knee pain in overweight older adults with diabetes.
Cholesterol, Sugar Guidelines May Change
No cholesterol, yes cholesterol. No coffee, yes coffee. What to eat can get pretty confusing for the average eater. New recommendations may clear up some of that confusion.
Quit Smoking for Your Kids' Health
Almost any parent would like to help his or her children be healthier. For those parents or future parents who smoke, here's another reason to quit.
Ovarian Problem May Have Other Health Effects
Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) and infertility have been well-known dance partners for many years. Now new evidence suggests that PCOS is also dancing with a lot of other chronic health issues.
Who Is Protected From Obesity Problems?
Obesity and metabolic problems may not always go hand-in-hand. Some obese people may not develop the metabolic changes that are often tied to obesity.
Don't 'Bypass' Exercise After Weight Loss Surgery
Having weight loss surgery can improve obese patients' health, but it isn't a fix-all for health problems tied to being obese. Exercise may improve these patients' overall health even more and lower their risk for diabetes.
Bariatric Surgery May Reduce Diabetes Risk
Surgery for weight loss is meant to help patients slim down. But new research suggests that it might also prevent type 2 diabetes in the process.
Exercise Levels Low in Diabetes Patients
Diabetes is a disease closely tied to weight, but are patients getting enough exercise to slim down? Maybe not, suggests a new study.