Health News

Dangers of Drinking Too Much Alcohol
Binge drinking, especially over the course of several years, can come with severe health consequences. Here’s a list of some of the consequences of drinking too much alcohol.
A Good Night's Sleep to Fend Off Pain
Persistent pain that affects multiple parts of the body can be common among older adults. And for some, sleep habits may play a role in this widespread pain.
The Benefits of Drinking Tea
Tea comes in four varieties and can provide a host of health benefits. Here are some of the potential health benefits of drinking tea.
ADHD Medication Side Effects You Should Know About
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a mental health issue that makes it hard to focus or control behavior. Here are some common side effects of ADHD medications.
Common Side Effects of Antidepressants
Some of the most widely prescribed antidepressant medications are selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs). Here’s a list of side effects associated with SSRIs.
6 Celebrities with Sleep Disorders
Sleep disorders can dramatically impact daily life. Here are some celebrities who have had issues with sleep disorders.
Sleeplessness May Harm Aging Brain
When people don't get enough sleep, they might complain about not having a clear mind. A lack of shut-eye also may affect their mind in other ways.
Dealing with Restless Legs
Researchers don't know what causes restless legs syndrome, which causes discomfort and a compulsion to move the legs when trying to sleep. But they have identified some treatment options for those who suffer from the disorder.
Harder Workout Keeps the Legs At Ease
With restless legs, maybe the key is just to keep them moving with exercise. But movement alone is not quite what the legs need to keep them from being restless at night.
What If You're Not Sleeping Like a Baby?
Waking up a few times each night is normal, whether it's just for a few seconds, a few minutes or longer. But waking up dozens of times each night may be a sign of future problems.