Health News

Cryotherapy a Cool Trend After All?
Whole-body cryotherapy may not be so cool after all, according to the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA).
Is Cryotherapy a Cool Trend After All?
Whole-body cryotherapy may not be so cool after all, according to the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA).
How Your Pet Can Affect Your Health
Dogs and cats can make great companions, and having a pet might be more beneficial to your health than you think. Although there is little evidence to suggest most of the health benefits, here’s a list of ways that pets might be able to benefit your health.
FDA Issues Warning on Natural Supplement
There are countless dietary supplements marketed as natural remedies for pain relief. In some instances, these supplements turn out to be neither natural nor safe, which seems to be the case for Reumofan Plus.
Multiple Diseases, Multiple Problems
In the age of multitasking, “one thing at a time” is as outdated as a polyester leisure suit. The same is true for doctors treating just one disease as it can lead to confusion and inferior care.
A Plan to Help the Pre-existing Condition Crowd
The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) is increasing awareness about a health plan for uninsured Americans with pre-existing conditions created by the Affordable Care Act.