Health News

Mother’s Diet May Reduce Child’s Allergies
Rates of asthma and allergies in children have been increasing. Could what a mother eats when pregnant set kids up for these conditions after birth?
Increased Depression in Common Teen Disorders
Separately, ADHD and asthma each have been associated with mood disorders. Are patients with both ADHD and asthma at an even greater risk?
Antibiotic Use in Infancy Could Increase Risk of Asthma
The number of people with asthma has significantly increased over the last three decades. Different medical exposures during infancy may have something to do with the rising number.
Rx Lowered Steroid Dose in Asthma Patients
Oral corticosteroids are a common treatment for asthma, but they often come with unwanted side effects. One recent study showed that another medication may help patients lower their corticosteroid dose over time.
Can a Little Bacteria Prevent Allergies?
The idea of adding a bit of bacteria to your or your child's body may sound creepy-crawly. But if it's bacteria that's good for you, that's exactly what probiotics are.
Kids Can Get Used to Allergies
Exposure to an allergen in small doses enables some adults to adapt and breathe well again. With the help of two different techniques, the same may work for kids.
COPD May Worsen with Allergies
Many patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) experience episodes called exacerbations in which their symptoms get worse. New research suggests that allergies may add to these symptoms.
A Spicy Dare Not Worth Taking
Truth or dare is an age-old game that will never wear out in childhood and adolescence. Often, the game involves harmless fun. But some dares should never be taken.
Biking the Distance Minus Nose Troubles
Saving on gas and keeping the body active are a couple of benefits to biking to school and work. But riding alongside motorized traffic comes with its risks.
Does Baby Formula Need Prebiotics?
Prevention of allergies in children is a murky science. Some parents may add prebiotic supplements to baby formula in the hopes that the prebiotics could reduce allergy risk.