Health News
Sports for Brain Power
Find the Olympic Games inspiring? Certain Olympic sports may provide added brain health benefits beyond entertainment.
Dementia: Younger Means Faster
Risk of Alzheimer’s disease (AD) increases with age, but the way the disease progresses varies. Some people with AD start having symptoms in their sixties and others much later.
Sniffing out Dementia
Simple memories, like being able to identify a smell, can be affected in later stages of dementia. However, research suggests that changes in smell memory may show up early.
Aricept for Other Types of Dementia?
Aricept is approved for the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease, but clinical trials are underway to see if it will be helpful for other types of dementia.
Dementia and a Sense of Self
A sense of self, or self-concept, comes from involvement in family, work and community. Dementia patients may have higher quality of life when self-concept is maintained.
Memory Loss: When Should you Report it?
Some changes in memory are expected as we age, but when should memory changes be assessed by a doctor? The answer may be that you know your mind the best.
Risks Related to Mild Memory Problems
Even when there is not a cure for a condition, detecting it early can help individuals plan, receive early treatment and improve their long-term quality of life.
Dementia Drug Doing Well
There are few medications currently approved to treat Alzheimer’s disease (AD). A new type of drug shows early promise in clinical trials.
Too Many Carbs Bad for the Brain
A balanced diet has many benefits, but replacing fats with carbs may increase risk of dementia.
Keeping Dementia Patients Safe at Home
People with Alzheimer’s disease (AD) often have better quality of life when they continue living at home, but staying at home can be a challenge for both the patient and caregiver.