Health News
Prenatal Smoking is Deadly
We've known for decades that smoking during pregnancy is potentially damaging for the baby, and has been linked to various birth defects, premature birth, underdeveloped lungs, low birthweight and many other problems.
Parental Excuse Needed for Smoking Sickness
So much research over the past 50 years has been focused on the dangers of smoking to the smoker. Their children are stakeholders in this addiction and are paying a price too.
Be Free From Smoke
Smoking is linked to many health issues and yet these risks aren’t enough to motivate some to quit. Family, friends and coworkers might be able to help – ban smoking from work and home.
Third-Hand Smoke
Much research has been done that illustrates the dangers of second-hand smoke. Now, a new study shows that "third-hand smoke" is also harmful to your health.