Health News

Healthy Valentine’s Day for a Healthy Heart
Valentine’s Day — a day of chocolates, romantic dinners and loving hearts. Why can't it also be a day to focus on heart health?
7 Ways to Boost Your Immune System
Flu season is upon us! Check out these tips to boost your immune system - before you get the sniffles! 
Things You Should Know About Prednisone
Prednisone is used to treat many conditions, including rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis and asthma. Here are some important things to know about prednisone.
Alternative Treatments for Chronic Pain
Over 100 million Americans live with chronic pain. If you're one of them, check out these alternative treatments to help make the pain go away.
Dangers of Drinking Too Much Alcohol
Binge drinking, especially over the course of several years, can come with severe health consequences. Here’s a list of some of the consequences of drinking too much alcohol.
Sweet Benefits of Chocolate
Chocolate may be sweet, rich and delicious, but it also can provide health benefits when consumed in moderation. Here’s a list of ways that chocolate can benefit your health.
Police Stress is Unhealthy
Working as a police officer is stressful; so stressful, it turns out, that police officers may have a higher risk for a variety of physical and mental health problems.