Health News

College Leads to Bigger Waist Lines
The change from high school to college can be exciting but stressful. The stress can be too much for some women and even men. This along with other factors can lead to an eating disorder.
Planet Health Helps Prevent Eating Disorders
Prevention methods for the obesity epidemic are well underway. But, sometimes these techniques can be too forward and have negative side effects like children developing eating disorders.
Happy Comfort Food
What do you do when you’re in the dumps? Some turn to buckets of ice cream for comfort. It just seems to take all troubles away. Maybe it really does!
It's Dinner Time With the Family
Once children hit teen years, it’s difficult to get the entire family around the table. It’s worth the effort, though, as serious problems can arise by abandoning the "Walton Family" style.
Kids Throwing up to Slim Down
Imagine a child endangering their health to look good. It’s happening and its called Bulimia – self-induced vomiting after eating. Bulimia is now being seen in children as young as ten.
Being Healthy Does Not Necessarily Just Mean Losing Weight
Most people don’t understand the actual term 'healthy living'. Weight management is just one aspect of living healthy, but there are many other factors that should be taken into account.
Food on the Brain
In a recent brain imaging study, researchers at the Brookhaven National Laboratory found that binge eaters (those who compulsively overeat) react to their favorite foods differently than ordinary obese individuals.