Health News

Agave Sugar Might Help Diabetes Patients
Americans with diabetes often use sugar alternatives to manage their health. Promising animal research may eventually offer a new sweetener option that could help reduce blood sugar and weight.
America's Happiest and Healthiest States
Health and happiness are usually terms reserved for individuals, yet there is no denying that location can play a role in these traits. Here’s a list of the happiest and healthiest states.
America's Unhappiest States
Gallup and Healthways created a list that ranks US states according to their "Well-Being Index." Here's the list of America's unhappiest states in 2013.
Things You Should Know About Prednisone
Prednisone is used to treat many conditions, including rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis and asthma. Here are some important things to know about prednisone.
What Women Need to Know About Bladder Control
Involuntary loss of urine can be embarrassing and a bit frustrating. Luckily, we have some information about the condition, possible causes and treatments.
Benefits of Regular Physical Activity
There are many health benefits to being a physically active person. Here’s a list from what you might gain from developing an exercise routine.
Surprising Facts About the Flu
As the flu continues to change and new strains appear, it’s important to know how to lower flu risk for you and your family. Here are some facts about the flu that may surprise you.
Diabetes May Not Be Closely Tied to New Weight Gain
About eight in 10 people with type 2 diabetes are overweight or obese. While weight is related to the condition, putting on pounds over a few years may not signal increased risk.
Beer: The Health Benefits and Consequences
Many Americans enjoy their alcohol, spending close to $99 billion every year on beer alone. Here’s a list of potential health benefits and consequences of beer consumption.
Show a Little Love for Your Heart This Month
The heart keeps us going day in, day out, though we don't often stop and consider how to keep it going. Officials are encouraging people to devote time to heart health awareness this month.