Health News

8 Healthy Facts About Avocados
Sliced on a sandwich, chopped in salad or mashed into guacamole, the avocado may be one of your best bets for nutrient-packed healthy eating!
7 Ways to Boost Your Immune System
Flu season is upon us! Check out these tips to boost your immune system - before you get the sniffles! 
Extra Weight Tied to 500k Cancer Cases Each Year
People who think the extra pounds they carry around can't hurt them may want to think again. Being overweight may raise the risk for cancer, a new study suggests.
Leading a Healthy Life Reduced Risk for Bowel Cancer
Medical procedures like colonoscopies and chemotherapy can be great screening tools and treatments for bowel cancer. But patients may be able to take measures at home to reduce their risk for this disease.
High Blood Glucose Levels Associated With Cancer
Having too much sugar in your blood, even if you are not diabetic, is considered unhealthy. And there may be an association between having high blood sugar levels and developing a serious health condition.
Extra Weight May Increase Risk for Certain Cancers
Many people want to slim down to cut their risks for heart disease and diabetes, but a new study suggests that being overweight may also affect cancer risk.
Healthy Choices Lowered Health Risks in Cancer Survivors
Childhood cancer survivors can be more susceptible to heart disease and other health problems as adults. But new research shows they can lower their risk through lifestyle choices.
Summer Survival Guide for Healthy Families
Summer is here! Stay on top of your summer safety to ensure that your family has the happiest and healthiest summer yet.
Simple Steps to Reduce Men’s Cancer Risk
Everyday choices can play a significant role in the risk of cancer, regardless of gender. Dramatically reduce your cancer risk by taking these 10 simple steps.
Milk May Be Good for Colorectal Cancer Survivors
Dairy, calcium and vitamin D have been shown to help prevent colorectal cancer. But can they help people who’ve already had colorectal cancer?