Health News

Celiac Risk: It's Not About When Infants Start Eating Gluten
Bring on the bread. Eating gluten at a young age may not raise kids' risk of celiac disease.
Get to Know the Gluten-Free Diet
The gluten-free diet, once only known to a group of gluten-sensitive people, has gained a lot of public attention recently. As of September, the gluten-free food market had recorded $8.8 billion in sales in 2014, says Mintel, a global market research firm.
Delaying Gluten Didn’t Delay Celiac Disease in At-Risk Infants
Infants who have a parent or sibling with celiac disease are considered to be at risk for developing the condition as well. Could timing the introduction of gluten into the diet of infants at risk for celiac disease prevent or delay their disease?
Mom's Celiac Disease Likely Won't Cause Problems for Baby
Having a chronic disease can complicate a pregnancy. A recent study looked at mothers-to-be with celiac disease to see if it raised the risk of pregnancy or birth complications.
When Wheat-Based Foods Sicken People
Food made from wheat and other gluten-containing flours may satisfy certain palates. But it sickens those who are allergic to gluten, a group whose numbers may be growing.
Celiac Disease Linked to IBS in Kids
Celiac disease is not common among children, but it may have been underdiagnosed until recent years. Knowing risk factors for it may help parents.
Good Cancer News for Celiac Patients
A gluten-free diet can control or eliminate the painful symptoms of celiac disease. Now, there is more good news for celiac disease patients, especially the ones who eat gluten-free.
Quinoa for a Gluten-Free Diet
Quinoa is a high-protein grain from South America that has become more popular in recent years. A recent study examined whether people who could not eat gluten could tolerate this grain.
How Do Celiac and Autism Intersect?
Research on autism spectrum disorders has uncovered more and more information each year. One area that has often been studied is the relationship between autism and digestive problems.
Gut Feeling About Cancer
In patients with celiac disease, the immune system attacks the patient's own body and causes damage to the lining of the gut. The disease has been linked to a higher risk of lymphoma, a type of blood cancer.