Health News

FDA Drug Safety Communication: Tekturna
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is warning of possible risks when using blood pressure medicines containing aliskiren with other drugs called angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors ( ACEIs ) and angiotensin receptor blockers ( ARBs ) in patients with diabetes or kidney (renal) impairment.
Cholesterol Drug May Harm Kidneys
On top of diet and exercise, medications can help you control your cholesterol. Be careful, though. Some of these medications may pose a threat to your health.
Blood Pressure Drugs Better at Bedtime
Because high blood pressure can damage the kidneys, many patients with chronic kidney disease take drugs to lower their blood pressure. These patients might find it more beneficial to take their drugs before bed.
Vytorin Has Double Duty
Kidney disease patients face a high risk of heart-related events like stroke. As such, patients need ways to protect against potentially deadly problems. Now, health advisors are backing a drug that does just that.
These Stents are Safe in Kidney Patients
Stents are tubes that are used to treat narrowed or weakened arteries. In many cases, they can be lifesaving. But are some types of stents safer than others?
More Hormone, More Risk
People with chronic kidney disease are at risk of deadly heart problems. If their kidneys stop functioning entirely, they have to go on dialysis. How can doctors spot kidney patients at risk of these complications?
Seeing Sudden Death on Dialysis
When a diabetes patient's kidneys fail, that patient has to be put on dialysis. These patients may be at risk of having their heart suddenly stop. Now, researchers have found a way to spot who is most at risk.
Low Blood Pressure During Dialysis May Lead to Clots
It's been known that low blood pressure while undergoing kidney dialysis is linked to some nasty side effects. Now the risk of blood clots has been added to that expanding list.
Fabry Disease Affects Spanish Patients Differently
A disease may not affect all populations in an equal manner. A recent study shows that Spanish patients with a rare genetic metabolic disease do not necessarily exhibit the same symptoms as those in other European countries.
Patients Receive Blood Vessels Made From Donor Cells
Three patients with end stage renal disease mark the first to successfully receive blood vessels engineered in a lab from human skin cells. Following additional testing, "off the shelf" blood vessels could be as readily available as medical gauze.