Health News
Foods That Help You Live Longer
Lifestyle factors like a poor diet and inactivity can increase our risk for diseases, including cancer and heart disease — the top causes of death in America. Thankfully, that road goes both ways, and a good diet can help improve one’s health risks.
Health Risks Seniors Should Be Aware Of
As you age, you may be faced with health risks you did not have to confront before. While you can’t prevent the passing of time, being knowledgeable and proactive with your health can have dramatic effects on your current and future quality of life.
Lowering Risk of Death with Fruits and Vegetables
An apple a day keeps the doctor away... and, according to a recent study, six more servings of fruit and vegetables could help you live longer.
America's Happiest and Healthiest States
Health and happiness are usually terms reserved for individuals, yet there is no denying that location can play a role in these traits. Here’s a list of the happiest and healthiest states.
Lifestyle Now May Affect Colon Cancer Survival Later
Healthy diet and lifestyle choices reduce the risk for many diseases. What effect these pre-diagnosis choices have on survival after colon and rectal cancer has become clearer.
Healthy Habits Every Mother Should Have
Hey Moms! Do you have these healthy habits?
Multivitamins May Not Help As Much As Believed
Multivitamins and dietary supplements are common among adults in the United States. But these vitamins and supplements might not be as beneficial as people thought.
Benefits of Regular Physical Activity
There are many health benefits to being a physically active person. Here’s a list from what you might gain from developing an exercise routine.
Dangers of Drinking Too Much Alcohol
Binge drinking, especially over the course of several years, can come with severe health consequences. Here’s a list of some of the consequences of drinking too much alcohol.
Health Hazards of Sitting All Day
Whether it’s at the office, in the car or on the sofa, more Americans are sitting for significant periods of the day. Unfortunately, a sedentary habits can have consequences.