Health News

HPV Vaccine: How Many Doses Does It Really Take?
Doctors don't usually encourage patients to deviate from their vaccination schedules, but new evidence suggests that less may actually be more — at least when it comes to the HPV vaccine.
Smoking: A Habit to Kick for Life
If you need another reason to quit smoking, keep reading. New evidence supports past findings that smokers face a raised risk for many health problems.
Smoking May Be Even Riskier Than Once Thought
Smokers, it’s never too late to quit — and there may now be even more good reasons to do so.
Breathe Easy, Parents: Vaccine Not Tied to More STDs
Some parents have raised concerns that vaccinating young girls against HPV, a sexually transmitted illness, might lead to more unsafe sexual activity in these girls. New evidence, however, suggests that's not the case — and the vaccine could prevent serious health problems.
Some Surgery Patients Boomerang Back to Hospital
Surgical complications could make some patients boomerang back to the hospital. And health care professionals are working to improve care for these patients.
This Hep C Rx Combo May Be Quicker Cure
For people with hepatitis C, three isn't a crowd. These patients got well much faster with the addition of a third medication.
New Test May Replace Pap Smear as Initial Screen
Pap smears may be passé for some women. A new cervical cancer test may be coming into vogue.
A Clean Vaccine
It's a clean vaccine — the HPV shot doesn't appear to raise patients' risk of nervous system diseases.
Cirrhosis: Usually Preventable but Common
Cirrhosis of the liver may usually be preventable, but it may be more common than previously thought. Fortunately, patients can take simple steps to keep their livers in tip-top shape.
7 Ways to Boost Your Immune System
Flu season is upon us! Check out these tips to boost your immune system - before you get the sniffles!