Health News
Worry May Drive Decision for Preventive Double Mastectomy
More and more women are choosing to get both breasts removed after being diagnosed with cancer in one breast. Now, there is concern that these decisions may be more based on fear than actual medical risk.
Six Highly Treatable Cancers
The diagnosis and treatment of cancer has come a long way in the last 50 years. Today, many patients are living past their cancers.
BRCA and Cancer: Non-Surgical Ways Women Might Reduce Risk
Women who know they have certain BRCA gene mutations may consider surgery to remove their breasts or ovaries to lower their risk of developing deadly cancers. But there may be other less aggressive options that can reduce their risk.
Better Sleep for Better Survival
Sufficient sleep is essential to all aspects of a person's health. And for people not in good health, such as those living with cancer, good sleep might mean living a little longer.
Screening Older Women at Risk of Breast Cancer
Women who have a mutation in the BRCA1 and/or BRCA2 gene are at a much greater risk for developing breast cancer by age 70 than women who do not have the mutations. Should they continue to get mammograms as they age?
Health Screenings Every Woman Should Know About
Staying healthy requires being proactive about your health by scheduling and attending necessary health screenings. There are some screenings in particular that every woman should know about.
Rates of Preventive Mastectomies Rising
More women are choosing an aggressive treatment option for a diagnosis of breast cancer. And this trend is rising fastest in a certain group of women.
Obesity No Obstacle for Breast Cancer Ultrasounds
A person's weight may influence how accurate various medical tests are. When the test is looking for whether breast cancer has spread, it's important to know if weight makes a difference.
Breast Cancer Treatment Could Affect Work Life
For patients newly diagnosed with cancer, the primary focus is health and getting well. But a new study suggests that another important area — employment — may suffer after treatment.
False-Positive Mammograms Increased Women’s Worries
Many women consider mammograms to be unpleasant but necessary tasks. However, the results of mammograms may cause a significant amount of worry.