Health News

These Healthy Habits Might Lengthen Your Life
A new study identified five healthy habits that could increase your life expectancy.
Stroke Risk Factors: A Growing Threat
In spite of stroke-prevention efforts in recent years, stroke risk factors appear to be becoming more common, according to a new study.
Understanding Atrial Fibrillation
"AFib" may sound like a little white lie, but it’s actually a serious medical condition. Atrial fibrillation, or AFib, is the most common type of heartbeat rhythm problem.
Global Health Affected by Unhealthy Habits
Many of the deaths that occur around the world today may be preventable.
5 Lifestyle Factors Linked to Less Heart Failure
Your day-to-day activities just may halve your risk for heart failure.
Meeting UN Health Goals Could Save Millions of Lives
Some of the biggest killers worldwide are diseases that can largely be prevented: heart disease, chronic respiratory disease, cancers and diabetes. But it will require some effort.
Dangers of Drinking Too Much Alcohol
Binge drinking, especially over the course of several years, can come with severe health consequences. Here’s a list of some of the consequences of drinking too much alcohol.
Global Health: 20 Years Changes Things
Twenty years ago, infectious disease in children was the highest risk factor for death and disability in the world. Today, it’s low-nutrient, high sodium diets, alcohol and tobacco.