Health News

A Tragic Decade for Painkiller Users
More and more people have been tragically dying from painkiller overdoses. Healthcare professionals and public health organizations have started to take preventive actions.
New Method to Lower HIV Risk
Training individuals who use illegal injection drugs on safer practices may help other drug users in the community improve safety. Safer practices could lower risk of spreading HIV.
Whiskey & Diet Coke; No Make That Soda Water
Diet soda can help cut the calories in cocktails, but can also put a person over the legal alcohol limit without them ever knowing it. Yes, regular and diet soda do affect the body differently.
Don't Throw These Leftovers Away
It's not uncommon to have leftover medications from a prescription you no longer need. If wisdom teeth sockets no longer hurt, most people stop taking the painkiller. But not everyone.
Helping Cancer Patients Quit Smoking
Quitting smoking is important for cancer patients. Interventions, support and education are essential to encouraging every smoking cancer patient to quit right now. 
Tobacco is Tobacco is Tobacco
It’s time to debunk myths about hookah smoking being safer than cigarette smoking. As cigarette smoking has plunged over the last decade, teens are turning to hookah smoking .
Just Try and Tamper With It
It’s no secret that opioid prescription abuse is a serious problem. Drug makers have tried reformulating opioid pills for anti-abuse and the rate of oxycodone abuse has dropped compared to the older version.
Brazil: No-Smoking Capital
When it comes to tobacco cessation, Brazil is the poster child for success. Brazil provides a great model for cutting smoking in half in 20 years at no financial burden to the nation.
Pro-Smoking Apps on Your Child's Phone?
There is an app for absolutely everything these days. This platform allows promotions for tobacco with no age-restricted access on both Apple and Android smartphones.
Checked Your Teens' Texts Lately?
Who would have thought a text message could put a teen on a sex offender list? Yet this is one of the more extreme possible consequences of the increasing trend of " sexting ."