Health News
Opioid Safety With Health 2.0
There’s an app for everything these days! There’s even an app to help doctors prescribe opioids more safely. A doctor in Canada designed an iOS application to help doctors prescribe opioids in a safer way.
The Abuse Is Past But Effects Linger
The impact of child abuse doesn't end when a child escapes an abusive environment. But knowing their future risks of health issues can help abused individuals seek treatment early.
Pain is More Than Expensive
The U.S. economy feels the impact of lower worker production and higher healthcare costs due to chronic pain. What can be done to help patients feel better and get back to work?
Veterans at Risk
Veterans with substance abuse and posttraumatic stress have a higher risk of dying from both injury and health related issues. How can treatment programs address both issues at once?
Why Do Some People Use?
Hair and eye color are easy to predict, but what about drug dependence? Why do some kids from abusive homes end up addicted to drugs and their siblings don’t?
Athletic Cheaters Face New Test
After Lance Armstrong gave up his case against the US Anti-Doping Agency, the organization and similar ones around the world now have new, more effective tools to find blood dopers.
Incentives For Avoiding Drugs
Does the hope for more money in the future outweigh the desire for an immediate payoff? Research may prove that an incentive is an incentive no matter how you slice it.
Monkey See, Monkey Do
What’s the best way to teach kids how to become responsible drinkers in adulthood? Have the family and environment be a good, consistent example.
What About the Children?
Sex! Violence! Drugs! Alcohol! Bullying! Pregnancy! Parenting can feel like a minefield at times, and a recent national poll reveals how important all these child health issues are to adults across the U.S.
Under-Age Pot Use
Marijuana can stunt brain development in minors. Frequent marijuana use, starting at a young age, can lower a person’s IQ up to five points over the years.