Managing ADHD with Medication
As much as we’d love for medication to be a cure-all, treating ADHD may take more than just a pill. There are a few lifestyle changes you can make that will enhance your treatment, and may even enable you to lower your dose. For starters, make sure you exercise regularly. Exercise is a great way to increase your focus because it releases dopamine, norepinephrine and serotonin naturally in the brain. Make sure to keep a healthy diet, too. While diet doesn’t necessarily cause ADHD, it does have an effect on mood, energy levels and ADHD symptoms. It’s also important to get plenty of sleep. If you’re having trouble with this, talk to your doctor about ways to help you sleep better. You can also try therapy to enhance ADHD treatment. A psychologist can help you learn new skills to cope with your symptoms and habits. Finally, stay positive! A good attitude can be one of the best tools in managing your ADHD.
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Review Date:
November 5, 2015Citation:
American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, "What is ADHD?" Kids Health, "ADHD Medicines" Mayo Clinic, "Adult ADHD" Help Guide, "ADD/ADHD Medications" Casa Columbia, "What parents need to know about ADHD medication abuse" Image courtesy of Sangoiri | Image courtesy of Valerius Geng | Image courtesy of Andrey Popov | Image courtesy of Designer491 | Image courtesy of Simone Van Den Berg | Image courtesy of Jan Dunda | Image courtesy of Marzanna Syncerz | Image courtesy of Andrey Popov | Image courtesy of Dragonimages | Image courtesy of Studio Grand Ouest | Image courtesy of Victorpr | Image courtesy of Petro |
Last Updated:
November 9, 2015