HypothyroidismInfo Center
An Oral Solution for Underactive Thyroid
After decades, a new form of the popular thyroid medication levothyroxine is now available in the United States.
Thyroid Screening in Pregnancy May Be Unnecessary
Treating mildly low thyroid function during pregnancy might not be worth the trouble, according to a new study.
Common Diabetes Rx May Affect Thyroid Function
People who have type 2 diabetes and a sluggish thyroid may need to watch the medication they take to control their blood sugar.
Thyroid Problems May Vary By Race
Some diseases are more dominant in certain groups than others. Disorders of the thyroid may be among illnesses for which race matters.
Hypothyroidism Not Linked to Cognitive Impairment
Hypothyroidism is a condition where your thyroid gland isn’t making enough hormone. This can lead to fatigue, weight gain, and many other symptoms, but according to new research, it may not lead to cognitive impairment.
Get Enough Iodine Mom, But...
Pregnant women need enough iodine for their baby's brain to develop well. But too much iodine can backfire by interrupting normal hormone production.
Testing the Thyroid During Pregnancy
In the midst of all the tests and check-ups that women undergo during their pregnancies, women may want to ensure that their thyroid is tested early in pregnancy, or even before they become pregnant.
Thyroid Check for Prenatal Care?
More pregnant women may have low thyroid levels than doctors currently realize - over five times more than the currently accepted rate of two to three percent.