Prophylactic Ephedrine and Combined Spinal Epidurals for Labor

Overview[ - collapse ][ - ]

Purpose The combined spinal epidural (CSE) technique has become increasingly popular for labor pain because of its rapid onset and superior first stage analgesia. However, increased risk for early profound fetal bradycardia (EPFB) following CSE continues to be a concern. Various factors are implicated in the etiology of EPFB but the cause is unknown. Ephedrine administration prior to CSE analgesia may help reduce the risk of EPFB, but to date, nobody has studied the impact of a single dose of intravenous (IV) ephedrine given at the time of CSE administration during labor. The purpose of this study is to measure the incidence of EPFB after combined spinal epidural analgesia using standard definitions. The incidence of EPFB will be compared between patients who receive prophylactic ephedrine or placebo at the time of CSE placement.
ConditionLabor Pain
InterventionDrug: Ephedrine
Drug: Placebo
PhasePhase 4
SponsorSharp HealthCare
Responsible PartySharp HealthCare IdentifierNCT02062801
First ReceivedFebruary 7, 2014
Last UpdatedFebruary 13, 2014
Last verifiedFebruary 2014

Tracking Information[ + expand ][ + ]

First Received DateFebruary 7, 2014
Last Updated DateFebruary 13, 2014
Start DateJanuary 2012
Estimated Primary Completion DateOctober 2013
Current Primary Outcome Measuresearly profound fetal bradycardia [Time Frame: 30 minutes post combined spinal-epidural] [Designated as safety issue: Yes]
Current Secondary Outcome MeasuresNot Provided

Descriptive Information[ + expand ][ + ]

Brief TitleProphylactic Ephedrine and Combined Spinal Epidurals for Labor
Official TitleProphylactic Ephedrine to Reduce Fetal Bradycardia After Combined Spinal Epidural Labor Analgesia: a Randomized Double Blind Placebo-controlled Study
Brief Summary
The combined spinal epidural (CSE) technique has become increasingly popular for labor pain
because of its rapid onset and superior first stage analgesia. However, increased risk for
early profound fetal bradycardia (EPFB) following CSE continues to be a concern. Various
factors are implicated in the etiology of EPFB but the cause is unknown. Ephedrine
administration prior to CSE analgesia may help reduce the risk of EPFB, but to date, nobody
has studied the impact of a single dose of intravenous (IV) ephedrine given at the time of
CSE administration during labor. The purpose of this study is to measure the incidence of
EPFB after combined spinal epidural analgesia using standard definitions. The incidence of
EPFB will be compared between patients who receive prophylactic ephedrine or placebo at the
time of CSE placement.
Detailed Description
Background and explanation of rational:

Epidural analgesia (EA) has been used to provide labor pain relief for over 30 years. The
technique has been refined over the past 20 years to provide laboring women with higher
quality pain relief, less leg weakness and more control over the administration of the pain
relief. Since the early 1990s a combined spinal-epidural (CSE) technique has become more
popular because it provides more rapid onset pain relief (1). The Principal Investigator has
performed a large randomized blinded study at Sharp Mary Birch Hospital for Women and
Newborns to compare the effectiveness of CSE with a standard epidural technique and to
describe the incidence of common side effects associated with each of them. These included
itching, transient hypotension, motor block and transient fetal heart rate (FHR)
abnormalities. It was found that the incidence of profound FHR deceleration was increased in
the CSE group: 8.5% vs 4.5% for the standard epidural group, although no poor neonatal
outcomes were seen in either group. The question was raised whether prophylactic ephedrine
given concomitantly with CSE insertion would reduce the incidence of FHR deceleration, thus
reducing a significant side effect associated with this otherwise superior pain relief
modality for laboring patients. It is uncertain what causes fetal bradycardia after CSE but
it is observed more frequently when high dose intraspinal opioids are used (2). Other
potential causes include maternal hypotension associated with rapid onset sympathectomy,
uterine tetanic contractions associated with sudden decrease in circulating maternal
catecholamines, and rapid decent of the presenting part associated with pelvic floor
relaxation. This study is not designed to determine the specific causal mechanism. Ephedrine
remains one of the most extensively studied vasopressors used to treat hypotension in the
obstetric population (3-5). It has both direct and indirect mechanisms of action,
stimulating both alpha- and beta-receptors to increase cardiac output, heart rate and
systolic and diastolic blood pressure. In the past both animal and laboratory data have
demonstrated that ephedrine preserves uterine artery blood flow and fetal pH to a much
better degree than other pressors. However, today it is controversial as to whether
neosynephrine is a better option to treat hypotension associated with spinal anesthesia for
cesarean delivery (6). Nevertheless, ephedrine has been used for decades for the treatment
of maternal hypotension and fetal bradycardia associated with the use of epidural analgesia
in laboring women.

Many anesthesiologists use prophylactic ephedrine 10mg intravenously to prevent an
anticipated fall in maternal BP. As a consequence the risk of nausea and vomiting
associated with hypotension is reduced. It is safe in the absence of maternal heart disease
or hypertension.

Ephedrine 10 mg intravenously is used routinely in the labor unit and there is a standing
order for the RN to use it to a maximum of 30mg when maternal systolic BP < 90mm Hg.
Occasionally, ephedrine 10mg intravenously is used to treat fetal bradycardia in the absence
of maternal hypotension.

Kreiser et al. studied 145 deliveries where epidural analgesia was administered (7). The
patients were randomly allocated before administration of epidural analgesia to receive an
intravenous infusion of 10 mg ephedrine, after epidural induction, followed by a continuous
infusion for 60 minutes of 20 mg ephedrine (study group) or to receive no ephedrine (control
group). The FHR tracing was evaluated for 20 minutes before and 40 minutes after initiating
epidural analgesia. Demographic data and clinical and delivery outcome were assessed and
compared between the 2 groups.

They found that Injection of ephedrine significantly reduced the rate of major FHR changes
appearing 15-25 minutes after induction of epidural analgesia in the study group compared
with the control group (2/72 compared with 11/73, respectively; P = .009). To avoid 1 case
of adverse FHR changes, 6.8 women should be treated with ephedrine. Maternal and fetal
characteristics and outcome and mode of delivery were similar in the 2 groups. Mean arterial
pressure was significantly higher in the study group from the time of analgesia induction
and during the subsequent 25 minutes. Maternal heart rate was transiently reduced in the
study group only.

Cleary-Goldman et al. evaluated 25mg prophylactic intramuscular (IM) ephedrine vs placebo in
a similar setting (8). It was found that IM ephedrine decreased the incidence of maternal
hypotension and late fetal heart rate decelerations for one hour after administration, but
increased the incidence of fetal tachycardia. However, FHR reactivity was improved.

Clinically, in the center the investigators have not observed that prophylactic ephedrine
10mg intravenously impacts significantly on the fetal heart rate. Although the investigators
have used the drug prophylactically for many years, and feel that it is useful in preventing
fetal bradycardia, a placebo-controlled trial is needed to prove its advantage in this

Specific objectives:

The investigators propose to study the impact of prophylactic intravenous ephedrine on the
incidence of early profound fetal bradycardia following CSE analgesia in healthy

The investigators plan to conduct a randomized placebo-controlled blinded study comparing
the efficacy of 10mg intravenous ephedrine versus an equal volume of normal saline
administered immediately after CSE placement.

It was shown in an earlier study at the hospital that the incidence of fetal bradycardia
within 30 minutes of a CSE is 8.5%. Profound early fetal bradycardia is defined as a drop in
fetal heart rate, within 30 minutes of inducing CSE, to < 90 bpm for > 60 seconds. The
investigators predict that ephedrine will reduce the incidence of fetal bradycardia within
30 minutes of a CSE from 8.5% to 4% or less.


Trial design This will be a prospective RCT using a placebo control. The numbers of subjects
to be studied will be determined after performing a pre-study power analysis. All patients
will be term parturients in labor with no health problems or obstetric complications

Participants Inclusion criteria: Ability to speak and understand English; term (37-42 weeks'
gestation); cephalic presentation; singleton pregnancy; ASA 3 or less; no pregnancy-induced
hypertension; no chronic hypertension; BMI <40; no evidence of pre-epidural fetal heart rate
abnormality; no IUGR or low AFI. ASA 1-3 women who request epidural analgesia Informed
consent signed upon admission to L&D Exclusion criteria: ASA 4 women, BMI > 39,
Contraindication to epidural analgesia, Twin pregnancy, Preterm labor, Severe preeclampsia,
Decision to perform CS prior to epidural insertion, Unable to read or speak English, Unable
or unwilling to sign the IFC

Interventions This study will occur at Sharp Mary Birch hospital. This will be a
triple-blind, prospective, randomized study of healthy women who request labor epidural
analgesia. Women will be approached by a nurse or investigator in triage or upon admission
to labor and delivery with a description of the study. They will sign an informed consent
form prior to randomization into one of the two study groups. An explanation will be given
that neither arm of the study is experimental but that both techniques are used routinely at
Sharp Mary Birch Hospital at the discretion of the attending anesthesiologist. The only
elements of this study that are experimental are the random allocation to one of the two
groups and the collection of data for statistical analyses. None of the drugs used are
experimental and no tests other than those used in normal clinical practice are required
during the study.

Once the woman has signed the IFC she will be randomly assigned to receive either 10mg
intravenous ephedrine versus an equal volume of normal saline administered immediately after
combined spinal epidural (CSE) placement. CSE will be induced in the sitting position at the
L3-4 or L2-3 interspace under strict asepsis. All patients will receive a 500ml intravenous
preload of lactated Ringers solution.

CSE: once the epidural space has been located, CSF will be obtained via a 26g GM needle and
3.125mg bupivacaine plus 5mcg fentanyl injected (2.5ml total volume). In both groups, a
patient-controlled infusion of epidural bupivacaine 0.125% with 2mcg/ml fentanyl will be
started immediately as per usual hospital practice.

Routine hemodynamic monitoring and FHR monitoring will be instituted as per standard
hospital protocols. The FHR strips will be analyzed by blinded nurses trained in the
interpretation of the strips. They will compare FHR baseline for 10 minutes before CSE and
up to 30 minutes after CSE. They will also document instances of EPFB and other FHR
abnormalities for up to 30 minutes after CSE. They will use national standard definitions
for FHR abnormalities.

Outcomes Data collected will include the incidence of profound early fetal bradycardia as
previously defined; lowest and highest BP in first 30 minutes; maximum FHR in first 30
minutes; incidence of tetanic uterine contraction; total dose of ephedrine used during
labor; use of nitroglycerin or terbutaline to treat tetanic uterine contraction.

Demographic data collected for research purposes will include: patient age, height, weight,
gravidity, parity, gestational age, cervical dilatation at time of epidural request; induced
or spontaneous labor, use of oxytocin augmentation, type of delivery (spontaneous vaginal,
vacuum, forceps, cesarean) and incidence of emergency cesarean delivery, neonatal weight and
Apgar scores at 1 and 5 minutes.

The primary outcome for this study is the effect of prophylactic intravenous ephedrine on
the incidence of fetal bradycardia within 30 min of CSE. The secondary outcomes for this
study will include: Need for urgent cesarean delivery within 30 min of CSE, incidence of
tetanic uterine contraction (tachysystole), and the impact of parity and induction on the
incidence of fetal bradycardia after CSE.

Recruitment Patients will be recruited between December 1st 2011 and April 15th 2013

Randomization Randomization will be created by a statistician and upcoming sequences will be
concealed from the investigators, particularly those involved with recruitment by the use of
sealed opaque envelopes. Randomization will be in groups of 20 and stratified for parity and
induction of labor.

Allocation concealment mechanism Sealed opaque envelopes will be used to implement the
random allocation sequence Implementation The participants will be enrolled by an L&D nurse
or attending anesthesiologist. The random allocation sequence will be generated by a
statistician. The participants will be randomly assigned to the next allocation in the

Blinding Investigator, participant, attending nurse and obstetrician and statistician will
all be blinded to allocation. The pharmacist will keep the randomization chart and key.

PHI is a necessary component of this research and will be collected by one of the
researchers either at the time of the study or from patient records taken from the clinical
computer program or the patients' charts. All data collected will be kept in a private and
secure location. Patients will be identified only by their study number and initials

Potential Risks The potential or known risks of combined spinal-epidural analgesia and
prophylactic ephedrine administration are explained to all patients prior to induction of
analgesia. Alternative means of providing pain relief during labor are described. The risks
are outlined in the anesthetic consent form and in a video that the woman watches in her
antenatal class or immediately prior to the spinal-epidural induction. The risks include
hypotension, itching, transient fetal heart rate changes, leg weakness, post-dural puncture
headache, failed epidural, infection at the site of epidural insertion, CNS infection
(rare), high epidural block with the potential to cause respiratory compromise (rare),
seizures and cardiac arrest from local anesthetic toxicity (rare), temporary mild
neurological impairment in the lower limbs and, very rarely, permanent paralysis and death

Risk Management/Confidentiality Adverse effects from either treatment will be managed as per
usual clinical practice. The procedures for protecting against the risks to confidentiality
and use or disclosure of protected health information, include keeping information stored in
a secure location and only identifying subjects by study number and initials.

Potential Benefits There are no specific benefits to be gained by the individual subject,
but there may be benefits that accrue to society in general if the study shows a significant
advantage to one of the two treatments.
Study TypeInterventional
Study PhasePhase 4
Study DesignAllocation: Randomized, Endpoint Classification: Safety/Efficacy Study, Intervention Model: Parallel Assignment, Masking: Double Blind (Subject, Caregiver, Investigator, Outcomes Assessor), Primary Purpose: Prevention
ConditionLabor Pain
InterventionDrug: Ephedrine
Patients received additional doses of ephedrine 10mg IV to a maximum of 30mg if BP remained low (<90mmHg systolic) and/was associated with persistent fetal bradycardia or maternal symptoms of dizziness and nausea
Drug: Placebo
Study Arm (s)
  • Active Comparator: Prophylactic ephedrine
    Ephedrine 10mg iv once at time of combined spinal epidural insertion
  • Placebo Comparator: Normal saline control group
    1ml normal saline intravenously once at time of combined spinal epidural insertion

Recruitment Information[ + expand ][ + ]

Recruitment StatusCompleted
Estimated Enrollment596
Estimated Completion DateOctober 2013
Estimated Primary Completion DateApril 2013
Eligibility Criteria
Inclusion criteria:

- Ability to speak and understand English

- Term (37-42 weeks' gestation)

- Cephalic presentation

- Singleton pregnancy

- ASA 3 or less

- No pregnancy-induced hypertension

- No chronic hypertension

- BMI <40

- No evidence of pre-epidural fetal heart rate abnormality

- No IUGR or low AFI. ASA 1-3 women who request epidural analgesia Informed consent
signed upon admission to L&D

Exclusion Criteria:

- ASA 4 women, BMI > 39

- Contraindication to epidural analgesia

- Twin pregnancy

- Preterm labor

- Severe preeclampsia

- Decision to perform CS prior to epidural insertion

- Unable to read or speak English

- Unable or unwilling to sign the IFC
Accepts Healthy VolunteersAccepts Healthy Volunteers
ContactsNot Provided
Location CountriesUnited States

Administrative Information[ + expand ][ + ]

NCT Number NCT02062801
Other Study ID NumbersCEASE111199
Has Data Monitoring CommitteeNo
Information Provided BySharp HealthCare
Study SponsorSharp HealthCare
CollaboratorsNot Provided
Investigators Principal Investigator: David R Gambling, MB,BS Anesthesia Services Medical Group
Verification DateFebruary 2014

Locations[ + expand ][ + ]

Sharp Mary Birch Hospital for Women and Newborns
San Diego, California, United States, 92123