Health News

Sex, Drugs and Parkinson’s
Impulse control is not easy, especially for those with Parkinson’s disease. Recent research has suggested that excessive gambling, shopping, eating and sexuality are symptoms of the disease medication, not the disease itself.
Replaying Memories as Dementia Therapy?
Reminiscence therapy uses the good aspects of memory to help people feel better. A recent study wanted to know if this therapy could help dementia patients and their caregivers.
PTSD for Back Surgery Common
Post-surgery recovery can seem like a daunting ordeal before considering the possibility of a related post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). For many patients, PTSD is a reality, and addressing any psychiatric conditions like depression or anxiety may help reduce the chance of occurrence.
Anxious with Arthritis
The pain of arthritis can seem ever-present. Eventually, that pain can become more than physical; it can dampen your day and sour your mood.
The Migraine Treatment No One is Suggesting
Despite demonstrated evidence-based effectiveness, a new survey revealed that few migraine treatment specialists suggest that their patients try biofeedback, cognitive behavioral therapy or relaxation training.
Pain Management By "Adele"
Most people listen to music for their own pleasure, but many are unaware of how profoundly it affects them. These effects may lead music to become an important psychological treatment.
Epilepsy Ups the Odds of Mental Health Problems
An estimated 50 million people worldwide have epilepsy. New research shows that people with epilepsy may be at greater risk of having anxiety, depression, and autism. 
Arthritis Anxiety
Arthritis affects an estimated 50 million people in the United States alone. Physical joint pain may not be the only negative effect, psychological disorders may accompany arthritis as well.
Long-term Effects of Chronic Stress
Prolonged periods of stress can have negative effects on the human body - but the extent of these effects is still being explored. New data suggests that chronic stress may be linked to Alzheimer’s disease.
Feel Blue, Green and Red?
Pain will come and go for most people, but it can be more intense if you suffer depression and/or anxiety. Treating these problems can be difficult but experts provide some tips.