Health News

How Binge Drinking Could Affect Your Heart
Binge drinking may increase your risk of going to the hospital for a serious heart problem, according to a new study.
Even One Drink a Day May Affect Your Heart
Even one small alcoholic drink each day may affect your risk of heart issues, a new study found.
How Sleep Affects Your Heart
How well you sleep may have an impact on how healthy your heart is.
Get Your ZZZs Every Day
Many people try to catch up on sleep over the weekend in an effort to offset the negative health effects of too little sleep during the week. But these people may be in for a rude awakening.
Mental Stress and Your Heart
For younger women with heart disease, mental stress could have a big effect on their health, a new study found.
Atrial Fibrillation: What Women Need to Know
Heart rhythm disorders affect more than 2 million Americans. The most common of these disorders is atrial fibrillation (AFib) — and it may affect women differently than men.
Depression Rx Might Pose Smaller Risk in Moms-to-Be
Many moms-to-be who take antidepressants may assume that weaning themselves off their meds is the safest thing for their baby, but the truth may not be so simple.
Why Many Women May Struggle After Heart Attacks
Stress is a feared enemy of heart health, but most people have a hard time kicking it out of their lives. Learning to cope with stressful events may be an important step for women recovering from a heart attack.
Ovarian Problem May Have Other Health Effects
Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) and infertility have been well-known dance partners for many years. Now new evidence suggests that PCOS is also dancing with a lot of other chronic health issues.
Women May Be More Prone to Post-Heart Attack Depression
A heart attack can be a stressful event, even to the point that it can affect mental health. This may be especially true for women, say the authors of a new study.