Health News

Secondhand Smoke and the Unborn Baby
So it's pretty clear that smoking while pregnant is a bad idea. But what if it's just those around you who are smoking? Does that affect unborn babies too? Possibly.
Cold Turkey After Birth
Quitting smoking during pregnancy is thankfully becoming more common. But a lot of new moms go back to smoking within a year of giving birth. This is still dangerous for the baby!
This Is Your Child's Brain on Smoking
There are 101 reasons not to smoke while you're pregnant. But here is reason #102: there's some evidence it might change the way your child's brain works later on.
Secondhand Smoke and Your Unborn Baby
It's pretty well established that smoking while pregnant leads to various negative health effects for your child. But even being around cigarette smoke can affect your unborn baby.
Put the Cigarette Down & No One Gets Fat
If you're thinking of lighting up while a little one kicks in your tummy, this might stop you. Do you want an overweight child?
What About the Children?
Sex! Violence! Drugs! Alcohol! Bullying! Pregnancy! Parenting can feel like a minefield at times, and a recent national poll reveals how important all these child health issues are to adults across the U.S.
Smoking While Pregnant Linked to Asthma
Past research has already shown links between mothers who smoke and asthma in their children. But what if a mom only smokes while pregnant and quits before giving birth?
Parental Excuse Needed for Smoking Sickness
So much research over the past 50 years has been focused on the dangers of smoking to the smoker. Their children are stakeholders in this addiction and are paying a price too.
Never Too Late to Quit Smoking for Baby
Nicotine addiction is one of the toughest habits to kick. Expecting moms have an added incentive: their newborn's health. For your baby, quitting early in pregnancy is almost as good as being a non-smoker.
This Mama's Smokin'
Maternal cigarette smoking in the first trimester was associated with a 20 to 70 percent greater likelihood that a baby would be born with certain types of congenital heart defects, according to a study by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.