Health News

What Vitamin D May Do for Kids' Health
Parents try to do everything they can to keep their kiddos healthy and happy, which can also set kids up to be healthy adults. This principle may also apply to making sure kids get the right amount of vitamin D.
Global Sodium Intake Exceeded Recommendations
Salt is a pantry staple and an ingredient present in many recipes. But too much of the seasoning can lead to high blood pressure and the potential for other serious heart conditions.
Too Much Exercise May Be a Bad Thing
Cardiovascular exercise like running or walking has a number of health benefits. But too much exercise may be unhealthy, especially after a heart attack.
Disease Fighting Tangerines
Tangerines are not just deliciously sweet fruits, they are also good for you. New research shows that tangerines can help protect against obesity and other health problems.
Fast-Food Nation
Fast food -- which is tremendously high in fat and salt content -- remains a favorite food for a number of patients who have had a heart attack.
Burden of Obesity Gets Heftier
Obesity has been shown to contribute to fatal coronary artery disease, regardless of other risk factors such as high blood pressure or high cholesterol.
Sodium Slayers Face Less Stroke Risk
High salt intake, regardless of a diagnosis of hypertension , has been shown to increase risk of ischemic (blood clot) stroke, according to a new study.
Learning from History
In recognition of Black History Month we're taking a look at diseases for which African-Americans are at higher risk -- and what to do about them.
Vegans Vexed?
Vegans -- individuals who don't eat animal products, including dairy -- may be prone to atherosclerosis or hardening of the arteries, according to a new study.
Obesity Costs Take the Cake
Are you at your optimum weight? If not, don't fret. Knowledge is power, and the more you know, the more you can do to make 2011 your Healthy Weight Year.