Health News

Walk Your Way to Heart Health
If Goldilocks took her love of moderation all the way to exercise, she might have discovered that her heart was "just right."
The Latest Skinny on Trans Fats
You likely know that a fatty diet is bad for you, but that may all depend on what kind of fats you're talking about.
Weight Loss Surgery Benefits Were Short-Lived
Weight loss surgery can produce dramatic results, but it seems that keeping the weight off can be a challenge.
Please Don’t Pass the Salt
Salt and high blood pressure may go together like ham and eggs.
5 Lifestyle Factors Linked to Less Heart Failure
Your day-to-day activities just may halve your risk for heart failure.
Hold That Sugary Drink for Better Health
Sugary drinks may taste good, but they may also take a big toll on public health.
Are You at Risk for Heart Disease?
Heart disease remains the leading cause of death in the US, but watching for certain risk factors may help give your heart a chance.
Trauma Tough on Women’s Hearts
Traumatic events — such as assault and natural disasters — may exact more than just an emotional toll on many women.
Living up to Your Potential Life Span
No one lives forever. But you may be able to increase your life span.
What Chocolate Could Do for Your Ticker
It's always nice to find out something that tastes delicious may also be good for you.