Health News

What's Good for Diabetes May Be Good for the Heart
For those with type 2 diabetes, keeping blood sugar levels under control can seem like walking a tightrope. But that delicate balancing act may benefit more than just blood sugar.
Diabetes May Affect Young and Old Differently
Diabetes affects millions in the US. But new research suggests that it may affect patients in different ways.
Blood Pressure Rx Cuts Heart Attack, Death Rate
Diabetes increases the likelihood of having heart disease. While blood pressure medications may help reduce related risks, some therapies may be more effective than others.
Everything in Moderation, Even Salt
For years, the health care community has agreed that people at risk of heart disease should lower their salt intake. Now, it seems that too little salt may be just as harmful as too much salt.
Seeing Sudden Death on Dialysis
When a diabetes patient's kidneys fail, that patient has to be put on dialysis. These patients may be at risk of having their heart suddenly stop. Now, researchers have found a way to spot who is most at risk.
Learning from History
In recognition of Black History Month we're taking a look at diseases for which African-Americans are at higher risk -- and what to do about them.